Ahmed Habouss Ce qu’on passe sous silence, ce qu’on occulte, ce qu’on agite comme danger pour faire peur est ici évoqué et justifié au nom d’une culture néo-patriarcale, qui nous invite au respect de la tradition masculine et à la fidélité d’un modèle de société où la femme est perçue comme un corps sexué qu’il …
Categoria: English
Feb 14
Identity by Ahmed Habouss
Why has the dialogue between culture and religion become so difficult in the globalization era?
Mag 29
Kung Fu for Philosophers
In a 2005 news report about the Shaolin Temple, the Buddhist monastery in China well-known for its martial arts, a monk addressed a common misunderstanding: “Many people have a misconception that martial arts is about fighting and killing,” the monk was quoted as saying, “It is actually about improving your wisdom and intelligence.” Continue reading …